Page name: Naruto Obsessers [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-12-29 06:10:08
Last author: Piercedskull
Owner: XxTsomexX
# of watchers: 11
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D20: 15
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~*~Naruto Obsessers~*~


This Wiki is for people so obsessed with the anime Naruto, that they would either A) Die B) Cut their wrists or C) Sue the cable company if it was ever taken off the air.




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2007-03-08 [Evolution X]: 's ok. *big sister comes out of portal and I do a jutsu that fuses us together* There. *is the same size as Merc*

2007-03-08 [Piercedskull]: Damn.

2007-03-08 [Evolution X]: ^_^

2007-03-09 [Aki Neko]: hiya!!

2007-03-09 [Iruvielle]: HELLLLLOOO!!!!

2007-03-09 [~*Crimson Rose*~]: hi XD

2007-03-09 [Iruvielle]: How are you aki?

2007-03-09 [XxTsomexX]: ?

2007-03-09 [Aki Neko]: good. my cousin just had a baby and i get to babysit!

2007-03-09 [Iruvielle]: oooooooooo, FUN!!! newborns are ALWAYS fun to babysit! :)

2007-03-09 [Aki Neko]: now i have one clser!!!The other ones are rrreeeaaalllyyyyyyy far away!! ones in south dakota and he is sssoooo cute!!( i know. im acting like a prep...)

2007-03-09 [Iruvielle]: awww, it's alright, i'm like that with kids too! Ask Mrs_Havoc how i am around my little brother... XD

2007-03-09 [Aki Neko]: ...^U^

2007-03-09 [~*Crimson Rose*~]: omg!! she's nuts!! lol

2007-03-09 [XxTsomexX]: myu?
dude, my myspace is so sick!

2007-03-09 [Aki Neko]: ...

2007-03-09 [~*Crimson Rose*~]: sweet! I love those penguins!!

2007-03-09 [Aki Neko]: ^ ^ cool

2007-03-09 [Iruvielle]: PENGUINS!!!!! *glomps the penguins*

2007-03-09 [XxTsomexX]: XD lol

2007-03-09 [Aki Neko]: omg.

2007-03-09 [~*Crimson Rose*~]: XD WOOT!!

2007-03-09 [Iruvielle]: heehee!

2007-03-09 [Aki Neko]: mew!

2007-03-09 [~*Crimson Rose*~]: ^-^

2007-03-09 [Aki Neko]: ^ ^

2007-03-09 [Evolution X]: Ninjas and pirate penguins... cool. ^_^ Im... well any small creature goes psyko around me... My cousins, dogs, cats... gerbils..

2007-03-09 [Iruvielle]: haha, awww, pooor you... what did you do, torture them all?? Nothing can be worse then my uncle, locking a cat in a closet filled with blown up balloons!!!!

2007-03-09 [Evolution X]: No, its like they go into sugar rush mode... and I once got locked in a smelly shed with two dogs...

2007-03-09 [Iruvielle]: O_O! pooor you!! and yea, i get what you mean.. kids are like that around me.. they go positively nuts when i'm around them! XD

2007-03-09 [Evolution X]: My aunty locked me in, but I managed to get out through a locked door and out the other side without anyone knowing how...

2007-03-09 [Iruvielle]: heehee!!!! GOOD JOB!

2007-03-09 [Evolution X]: not even me... anyway, out of creepy land and back into insanity valley. ^_^

2007-03-09 [Iruvielle]: WOOOOOT! yay insanity valley! i walk through there everyday... i have my house there! XD

2007-03-09 [Evolution X]: Im the village idiot of Insanity Valley, people throw shoes at me.... and I eat them with a pile of mud...

2007-03-09 [Surimia]: .............

2007-03-09 [Iruvielle]: ooo, that was you? sorry.. :P

2007-03-09 [Evolution X]: Was that your high heeled boot that hit me? It was quite nice.

2007-03-09 [Iruvielle]: haha... yes, sorry! XD
I didn't mean to... it's just, you know, it's hard to sleep when the village idiot is walking aorund screaming and yelling in the middle of the night! XD

2007-03-09 [Evolution X]: yeah... well the different personalities tend to fight each other...

2007-03-09 [Iruvielle]: haha, yea, i've realized that...

2007-03-09 [Evolution X]: It would be ok if I didnt have my little... 'problem'....

2007-03-09 [Iruvielle]: 'problem'? what's the problem?

2007-03-09 [Evolution X]: ummmm... *form flicker and becomes a boy in a black suit and a red cape* JUST TELL THEM IDIOT! *flickers to a guy in a army jacket and a skateboard* Comeon, they might even have some people like you... *flickers back to Tomb* SHUTUP SHUTUP! oh.... damn....

2007-03-09 [Iruvielle]: O_O!!!!! *backs away slowly*

2007-03-09 [Evolution X]: .... ummmm multiple personality disorder with a shape changing side effect.... *flickers to a guy covered with chalk dust and pens and paper stuck in his pockets* freakin' freakin' freakin' freak.... *turns back* I AM NOT A FEAK!

2007-03-09 [Iruvielle]: sure you're not...

2007-03-09 [Evolution X]: *flickers and transforms into a horrible thing, made from tons of different chars* I AM NOT! *writer one mumbles* you so are...

2007-03-09 [Iruvielle]: *dances in circles* you're a freak!!! LOL.. but that's a good thing...

2007-03-09 [Evolution X]: *all of me grumbles and turns back to Tomb* well... there's my 'problem'

2007-03-09 [Iruvielle]: O_O

2007-03-09 [Evolution X]: .... heh *scratches head*

2007-03-09 [Aki Neko]: mew!

2007-03-10 [Evolution X]: Hello Aki. ^_^

2007-03-10 [Aki Neko]: hello!!

2007-03-10 [Evolution X]: How are you?

2007-03-10 [Aki Neko]: good.

2007-03-10 [Evolution X]: Goodgood.... *pounces* HWAAA!

2007-03-10 [Iruvielle]: O_O

2007-03-10 [Evolution X]: ^_^

2007-03-10 [Iruvielle]: ok, proper entrance to this... HI!!!! HOW IS EVERYONE?? XD

2007-03-10 [Evolution X]: Hi! Im 0k... and kinda embarresed...

2007-03-10 [Iruvielle]: why embarrassed if you don't mind me asking...

2007-03-10 [XxTsomexX]: ?

2007-03-10 [Evolution X]: cause I wrote a song and sent the lyrics to someone and my freind was spying on me as I did it...

2007-03-10 [Iruvielle]: awwww... pooor you... :P

2007-03-10 [Evolution X]: And he is now under pain of death to NEVER tell anyone.

2007-03-10 [XxTsomexX]: awwww *huggles*

2007-03-10 [Iruvielle]: hahaha! awwww, must have been quite the song then! rofl!!!! *pats* it'll be alright...

2007-03-10 [Evolution X]: its kinda corny...

2007-03-10 [Iruvielle]: lol.. that's alright, everything i do is corny... so, no worries! XD

2007-03-10 [Evolution X]: no I mean REALLY corny. Ring in the champagne glass corny.

2007-03-10 [Iruvielle]: haha! aww... *hugs*

2007-03-10 [XxTsomexX]: awwwww i feel bad now

2007-03-10 [Evolution X]: what for?

2007-03-10 [XxTsomexX]: its probably not that bad! :(

2007-03-10 [Evolution X]: *muffles laugh* you havent read it... she says she likes it though, so at least that worked.

2007-03-10 [Iruvielle]: there ya go... alls not lost!! :)

2007-03-10 [Evolution X]: heh.. *scratches back of head*

2007-03-10 [Iruvielle]: ....

2007-03-10 [XxTsomexX]: *hugs*

2007-03-10 [Evolution X]: *hugs back*

2007-03-10 [XxTsomexX]: ^^

2007-03-10 [Evolution X]: ^_^ happyhappy.

2007-03-10 [Iruvielle]: least someone is!

2007-03-10 [Evolution X]: Are you unhappy then?

2007-03-10 [Iruvielle]: ya, kinda! *shakes fist* i found out... AGAIN who my true friends are! :( read my diary thingy for details... if you want...

2007-03-10 [Evolution X]: *sighs* It seems like that sort of day today. Everyone thinks they lose a freind. But, I want to say that I'll only say this once but Im guessing I'll say it a number of times, THINGS'LL GO BACK TO NORMAL! Freinds will forgive and forget, or miss you and appologise, or sometimes they just don't realise they've hrt you yet and will soon and appologise. TRUST ME! everything will be fine.

2007-03-10 [Iruvielle]: yea, this isn't the first time this has happened... and last time it happened... i never got the friend back! So, i've kind of lost faith in anything like that anymore! or maybe you're right and things will go better... although, i doubt it cuz i just saw my friend outside, said hi to her, she looked at me, then kept walking without saying anything! :(

2007-03-10 [Evolution X]: Well keep talking to her when you see her, nomatter what happens. sometimes you do lose freinds but they usually aren't worth keeping round if they would leave you at the slightest thing.

2007-03-10 [Iruvielle]: awww, thanks!!!! *MAJOR hugs* so true... thanks for the advice! :)

2007-03-10 [Evolution X]: ^_^ No probs. yey me! Better than any radio psycologist any day. TAKE THAT 'DR.' PHIL!

2007-03-10 [Iruvielle]: I would NEVER go to Dr. Phil for ANY problem... I hate his guts! :P You should have a talk show of your own like he has... in fact, you should take over his show!

2007-03-10 [XxTsomexX]: brb lol gonna take a shower

2007-03-10 [Iruvielle]: kk

2007-03-10 [Evolution X]: I have to go now, might be back later. See you and goodnight America! *waves to camera as it zooms out*

2007-03-10 [Iruvielle]: haha, ciao! talk to ya later... thanks again! *hugs and waves*

2007-03-10 [Evolution X]: Im back! ^_^ *hugs you back*

2007-03-10 [Iruvielle]: well now, you didn't stay away long! ^.^

2007-03-10 [Evolution X]: I just had to walk my freind (the one who was choking) to his house.

2007-03-10 [XxTsomexX]: lol

2007-03-10 [Iruvielle]: haha... he was choking?

2007-03-10 [Evolution X]: ^_^

2007-03-10 [Iruvielle]: lol.. alrighty then! XD

2007-03-10 [Evolution X]: remember, the one who was choking on the jelly sweet.

2007-03-10 [Iruvielle]: oooooooooooooo oh yea!!! XD

2007-03-10 [XxTsomexX]: yup

2007-03-10 [Evolution X]: So Is everyone feeling better now?

2007-03-10 [Iruvielle]: warning y'all now... i may start to say some REALLY stupid random things... am drinking a breezer... and they make me hyper... YAY RUM!!!

2007-03-10 [Evolution X]: Thats one yes.

2007-03-10 [XxTsomexX]: -.-

2007-03-10 [Evolution X]: .... is that a maybe?

2007-03-10 [XxTsomexX]: *sighs*

2007-03-10 [Evolution X]: Whats wrong?

2007-03-10 [XxTsomexX]: shes still pissy with me

2007-03-10 [Evolution X]: yeah... im trying to confront that little problem...

2007-03-10 [Iruvielle]: *hugs*

2007-03-10 [Evolution X]: *hugs back*

2007-03-10 [XxTsomexX]: ^^

2007-03-10 [Iruvielle]: ^.^

2007-03-10 [Evolution X]: I feel happy. ^_^

2007-03-10 [Iruvielle]: me too!!! ^.^

2007-03-10 [Evolution X]: YEY!

2007-03-10 [XxTsomexX]: im not

2007-03-10 [Iruvielle]: aww *hugs* still not?? :(

2007-03-10 [Evolution X]: Sorry Tsome... *hugs* things will get better though.

2007-03-10 [XxTsomexX]: fucking grandfather ruined my weekend

2007-03-10 [Iruvielle]: -.- things will get better!!!

2007-03-10 [Evolution X]: can I ask how?

2007-03-10 [XxTsomexX]: no they wont, im all alone this weekend, as usual

2007-03-10 [Evolution X]: *sighs* I'm sorry to say I can't effect that from here. I do wish the internet was more interactive so people wouldn't be so lonely though....

2007-03-10 [Iruvielle]: yea, same here!~!!! like i said, if I could, i'd soooo be there hanging with you!!!

2007-03-10 [Evolution X]: I wish it was like on futurama, and you put on a helmet and walk around...

2007-03-10 [Iruvielle]: ya! :(

2007-03-11 [Evolution X]: And we would wave instruments of torture in the air and raid the pentagon website... ^_^

2007-03-11 [Aki Neko]: that would be cool, exept for the cyberers...(i know personaly)

2007-03-11 [XxTsomexX]: yeah

2007-03-11 [Aki Neko]: stupid fucking people...

2007-03-11 [Iruvielle]: EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!! FMAAA!!!! *dances in circles, then runs off to see the videos*

2007-03-11 [XxTsomexX]: lol

2007-03-11 [Iruvielle]: I adore the song 'I will'!

2007-03-11 [Aki Neko]: i just got both soundtracks and i wanted to find the original videos

2007-03-11 [Evolution X]: *is busy taking an axe to some cyberers* wait, what? ohhhh damn my youtube's still buggered up...

2007-03-11 [XxTsomexX]: lol

2007-03-11 [Iruvielle]: :O!!! LUCKY YOU AKI!!!! and pooor you evolution x

2007-03-11 [Aki Neko]: poor you...<img:44166_1164145230.gif>

2007-03-11 [Evolution X]: Im ok...

2007-03-11 [XxTsomexX]: *huggles*

2007-03-11 [Aki Neko]: mew.

2007-03-11 [Evolution X]: *hugs Tsome back* ^_^

2007-03-11 [XxTsomexX]: ^^ dont worry, be happy

2007-03-11 [Iruvielle]: *starts singing* OOOOOO, DON'T WORRY.... BE HAPPY! XD

2007-03-11 [Evolution X]: and every little thing will be alright... *sings*

2007-03-11 [XxTsomexX]: lol

2007-03-11 [Aki Neko]: omg...

2007-03-11 [Evolution X]: ^_^

2007-03-11 [Aki Neko]: lol...

2007-03-11 [Iruvielle]: lol... *starts dancing with the chorus line*

2007-03-11 [Evolution X]: Here's a little song I wrote,
Might want to sing it note for note,
Don't worry,
Be happy.

In life we have some trouble,
but when we worry we make it double,
don't worry,
be happy.

2007-03-11 [XxTsomexX]: lol

2007-03-11 [Evolution X]: I like the song.....

2007-03-11 [Iruvielle]: me too, i played it in band class a few years ago on my clarinet! XD

2007-03-11 [Evolution X]: I just like singing it... at odd times...

2007-03-11 [Iruvielle]: hee. it's fun.

2007-03-11 [Evolution X]: *starts singing it in a bus stop*

2007-03-11 [Iruvielle]: *randomly starts to play the song on the clarinet*

2007-03-11 [Evolution X]: *gets paid again* YES! *runs off with money*

2007-03-11 [Iruvielle]: O_O! *chases* HEYYY, I GET HALF THAT! I DID ALL THE WORK!!! XDDD

2007-03-11 [Evolution X]: I SANG IT! *keeps running*

2007-03-11 [XxTsomexX]: lol

2007-03-11 [Iruvielle]: *tackles Evolution* I GET HALFFFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *tries to grab the money*

2007-03-11 [Surimia]: ............

2007-03-11 [Evolution X]: GAH! *gets tackled* NOO! *hands you half* here, take it. *an armoured car flips over, dumping several bags of money infront of us* .... That counts as getting paid... *runs off with money bags*

2007-03-11 [Iruvielle]: O_O!!! HEYYYY!!!!! I GET HALF THAT TOO! *chases again, screaming about the money*

2007-03-11 [Evolution X]: MINE! *runs up a fire escape*

2007-03-11 [Surimia]: ........................this calls for desperate measures.

2007-03-11 [Iruvielle]: *suddenly sprouts random wings, flies up the fire escape, cutting you off* MINE!!! *gets possessive over the money* :P

2007-03-11 [Surimia]: *brings out the champagne gun*

2007-03-11 [Iruvielle]: *holds up a breezer bottle* NOW YOU'RE IN FOR IT! LOL *drinks breezer, gets REALLLLLLLY REAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLLY hyper*

2007-03-11 [Evolution X]: If you can do that, so can I! *his image flickers, turning into a seven foot, two ton figure weraing a tank turret as a helmet. The fire escape gives out*

2007-03-11 [Iruvielle]: *watches you fall to the ground*

2007-03-11 [Surimia]: *sprays you all with champagne*

2007-03-11 [Evolution X]: *get up, looking at you through his helmet* This is my Turret guy...

2007-03-11 [Iruvielle]: O_O *jumps out of the way quickly and hyperly*

2007-03-11 [Evolution X]: Want to see why he's called Turret? *slams head into the ground, sticking a piece of rock in the funnel. Then he sneezes, sending the piece of rock shooting towards Kenji*

2007-03-11 [XxTsomexX]: oh shit!

2007-03-11 [Iruvielle]: *bounces away quickly* MISSED ME!!! *walks around drunkly, falling everywhere*

2007-03-11 [Evolution X]: *reaches up and grabs your back* You OK?

2007-03-11 [Iruvielle]: heehee... quite alright thanks! :) *stumbles off the edge of the building*

2007-03-11 [The Dizzy Raven]: This is a cool site! ^_^

2007-03-11 [Surimia]: ysh :P

2007-03-11 [XxTsomexX]: *nods*

2007-03-11 [The Dizzy Raven]: ^^

2007-03-11 [Iruvielle]: WOOOT! yes it is! it's an awesome site!!!

2007-03-11 [The Dizzy Raven]: Totally! *dances like naruto* BELIEVE it!

Sasuke: *watches from afar* What a loser...
Sakura: This site rocks! *leaps up and down in sheer excitement* Woot!

2007-03-11 [XxTsomexX]: lol

2007-03-11 [The Dizzy Raven]: Kakashi: *brings out his book and reads*

2007-03-11 [Iruvielle]: KAKASHI!!!!!! *tackle glomps Kakashi*

2007-03-11 [Evolution X]: *stand over in a corner* ...

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